Create Launch Profit eSubscription Box

For entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to generate more revenue while working less, learn all the marketing strategies, and level up in business… and in life.

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

You might be great at your functional skill, but what about the other elements of running your business? More specifically, the marketing side of your  business?

I'll cut right to the chase. This is NOT another internet marketing THING to collect dust on your hard drive.

If you are running a business and you do NOT have dedicated marketing support, the Create Launch Profit eSubscription Box is created for you! Create Launch Profit is a monthly set of themed marketing templates. For small business owners doing it all, bombarded with too much to do and not enough time to do it.  Get your systems up and running, to automate as much of your marketing as you can. This will enable you to free up some time, and make you (or your assistant) more efficient.

Have you ever experienced any of the following?: 

  • You watch a webinar, it ends, and you're left wondering "what to do next". So you bottle up that knowledge and move onto the next webinar.  
  • You attend a too-expensive-but-it-has-to-work bootcamp that comes with a few tools and recommendations that you never use.
  • You hire an amazing coach that keeps you empowered. But after a while you realize that you aren't actually DOING anything and you need to hire somebody to DO your marketing. But oh wait, you can't afford that because you spent all your damn money on the coach, so it's still DIY time. No offense coaches :-)
  • You hire a VA to help you with your business, but you spend so much time teaching her what to do and correcting her work that you wind up doing it yourself. Wasting time AND money.
  • You try to piece together all the freebies you sign up for and somehow get them to work - but they don't work and you're not sure what you're doing wrong. How's this thing supposed to flow again??

If any of this feels familiar, you might as well join the monthly membership NOW for only $47/month because you're about to download some of the easiest and simplest marketing content you can use to step your marketing game up! 

Each month, you will receive a complete set of marketing templates that you can open, customize with your business information, and use in your daily marketing efforts. I'm not talking about a few pages of intro baby steps either. I'm talking full systems with SETS of templates. The how-to guides are worth the subscription alone!

Sign up today and say HELLOOOOO to structured and organized marketing systems that work!

9 Modules

How to Use Your Subscription

Watch a brief video walk through of your Members Area, as well as a quick video to learn how to get the most value from your monthly membership. 

Current Month - List Building From Scratch

This month's package is all about List Building From Scratch. 

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach your target audience and drive traffic to your website. It also provides you with a user database that you can use for other marketing activities in the future.

Creating your own email list from scratch can seem overwhelming at first, but once you know the basics, it’s not as scary as it sounds. In this month's package, you'll learn how to build an email list from the beginning so you can leverage its power for future marketing activities such as getting more signups for your blog, launching a loyalty program, selling more products or services, and more.

General Operations Templates

Templates to help with things like general business planning, customer service and outsourcing.

Map Out Your Monthly Social Media Content Calendar (Planner)

When I ask clients about the hardest part about marketing their business on social media was, what do you think they say?

I hear about posting content that attracts the right people, what to post, what types of content to share, and how to come up with ideas.

BOOM! This is where my new planner comes in!

Modules for this product 9
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 Create Launch Profit Membership
 $47.00 USD  ( then $47.00 USD a month )

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